018. I'm really really clingy.

018. I'm really really clingy.

025. You know what'd be cool? If someone drew something or wrote

025. You know what'd be cool? If someone drew something or wrote

026. It's rare that I talk to people first. (Some I do..) It's

026. It's rare that I talk to people first. (Some I do..) It's

027. Clowns scare me so much it's not even funny. D:

027. Clowns scare me so much it's not even funny. D:

028. I'm probably not the prettiest person you'll ever meet,

028. I'm probably not the prettiest person you'll ever meet,

029. I'm so mentally exhausted./=

029. I'm so mentally exhausted./=

030. Even though I was born here in America, I didn't learn English

030. Even though I was born here in America, I didn't learn English

031. I really, really, REALLY like getting hugs. If you ask me

031. I really, really, REALLY like getting hugs. If you ask me

032. I'm almost ALWAYS listening to music, so much that I end

032. I'm almost ALWAYS listening to music, so much that I end

033. I really hate my smile. Even though I had braces so my teeth

033. I really hate my smile. Even though I had braces so my teeth

037. It doesn't matter how hot it is, I always need my blanket

037. It doesn't matter how hot it is, I always need my blanket

038. I never clip my bangs all the way back when I'm in public

038. I never clip my bangs all the way back when I'm in public

040. I have a lot of cheek/baby fat. I hate it. It makes me look

040. I have a lot of cheek/baby fat. I hate it. It makes me look

041. When I'm really stressed out or just feel really bad inside,

041. When I'm really stressed out or just feel really bad inside,

042. I delete lots of things on my FB and Tumblr because I hate

042. I delete lots of things on my FB and Tumblr because I hate

043. Even though I'm a camwhore, I usually hide when someone

043. Even though I'm a camwhore, I usually hide when someone

044. I get so stressed out to the point that my hair falls out.

044. I get so stressed out to the point that my hair falls out.

045. I LOOOOOOVEEE thunderstorms.♥

045. I LOOOOOOVEEE thunderstorms.♥

046. 99% of the time a kid sees my face, they either start crying

046. 99% of the time a kid sees my face, they either start crying

050. I like to eat when I'm upset.

050. I like to eat when I'm upset.

052. I'm really scared of ghosts.

052. I'm really scared of ghosts.

053. Sometimes I go to random people's asks on anon and leave

053. Sometimes I go to random people's asks on anon and leave

055. When my family went to Disney World, me and my dad went

055. When my family went to Disney World, me and my dad went

056. I have a lot of hate in my heart.

056. I have a lot of hate in my heart.

058. I HATE gifts, or just anything that involves people spending

058. I HATE gifts, or just anything that involves people spending

059. I have a scar on my right cheek from falling and slamming

059. I have a scar on my right cheek from falling and slamming

061. My brain is tiny. I'm an idiot and I'm really slow. LOL.

061. My brain is tiny. I'm an idiot and I'm really slow. LOL.

062. Honestly (I'm sorry if you have it) I hate endless scrolling.

062. Honestly (I'm sorry if you have it) I hate endless scrolling.

063. Super Junior saved my life.

063. Super Junior saved my life.

066. I like buying jewelry more than I like buying clothes.

066. I like buying jewelry more than I like buying clothes.

068. Kpop isn't the only thing that makes me happy. It's just

068. Kpop isn't the only thing that makes me happy. It's just

70. When I get random phone calls or texts at night, it really

70. When I get random phone calls or texts at night, it really

100 Facts: #8

100 Facts: #8

100 Facts: #9

100 Facts: #9



2. I have a soft spot for 80's and 90's love songs. Yeah, like

2. I have a soft spot for 80's and 90's love songs. Yeah, like